Reporting from CES 2022, Las Vegas; Day 3 Jan 7, 2022
Jack Byers2022-02-07T10:14:19-07:00Final stats: 2,300 exhibiting companies worldwide, including more than 800 startups.
Final stats: 2,300 exhibiting companies worldwide, including more than 800 startups.
Our second day at CES we entered the newest CES innovation building – LVCC West for amazing AI insights and capabilities.
Our first day at CES we hit Innovation Startups at the Venetian.
We have all heard and used the terms early adopter, innovators, and early market, but do you know why they are essential, how they are interconnected and how to use them for success?
Over the last decade our research has covered many avenues of strategic inquiries. Probably the most interesting recurring theme has focused on answering one key question that engineering and science-based companies have asked themselves for years.
The focus of this essay is to discuss the disruption of the Defense industry including its impact on the customer along with the opportunities and challenges ahead for the industrial base
In the recent past, we lived in an environment where life was linear; tomorrow was an extension of today, and today was an extension of yesterday. We thought in terms of risk mitigation, incremental improvement, and market share.
The simplest and lowest-risk product releases are updates to existing offerings that represent continuous improvement. Usually this means the addition of new features and functions, often guided by customer input.
Let’s analyze one of the world’s most recent and amazing global disruptions; Apple and the cell phone industry. Simply put, Apple replaced the cell phone with a handheld computer, revolutionary touchscreen interface...
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